Vineet Nair

Beautiful day to go after your dreams.

 General Info

Email Id:

Educational Background:

  • Graduated from Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute (2006-13)
  • MBA from Indian School Of Business (2018-19)

Work Profile:

  • Senior Manager at Apollo Hospitals (Current);
  • Strategy Consultant at Deloitte India;
  • Consultant at Optum;
  • Clinical Research Associate at The University of Arizona Health Services;

Bio: Vineet is a medical doctor who was studying rare diseases and now wishes to work at the intersection of medicine and management to tackle issues pertaining to health care. Interests are related to- Equitable Health Access, Drug Resistance, Precision Medicine, Health-tech & Strategy.

You can talk to me about Consultancy and Healthcare.

Click here for Vineet's LinkedIn profile.

 Investment Portfolio at Favcy